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The wordlist now gives every word in the old phonetic writing and in the new technical standard. The order of listing follows the technical standard. The list above is the alphabet in D'ni order.
Abbreviations used: n = noun, v = verb, a/adv = adjective/adverb, num = number, yellow = new words.A
[abcí] ahbtsee (n) - basalt
[aní] ahnee (v) - to get
[ano] ahno (n) - water
[anotam] ahnotahm (n) - lava
[arotan] ahrotahn (n) - outsider
[acú] ahtsoo (a) - readyB
[b']/[be-] b' / beh- (prep) - to
[ba] bah (n) - beast
[barel] bahrehl (v) - to make
[baro] bahro (n) - beast people
[baronet] bahroneht (a) - phosphorescent
[bacana] bahtsahnah (n) - map
[béx] baykh (v) - to link
[bigto] bihgto (n) - blessing
[bita] bihshtah (n) - tunnel
[biv] bihv (a) - all
[blo] blo (a) - about (circa)
[bonú] bonoo (n) - acid
[búgin] boogihn (n) - creature
[brí] bree (num) - 2, two
[brún] broon (n) - tubeC
[cav] tsahv (v) - to live
[can] tsahn (a) - always, forever
[cavan] tsahvahn (a) - immortal
[cano] tsahno (a) - everlasting, permanent, eternal
[coid] tsoihd (v) - to glowÇ
[çé] chay (n) - fault
[çev] chehv (v) - to thank
[çile] chihleh (a) - main
[çir] chihr (n) - organism
[çiso] chihso (v) - to archivate
[çólané] choylahnay (v) - to completeD
[da] dahsh (n) - the Domes of Riven
[devokan] dehvokan (n/v) - hope; to hope
[dormað] dormadh (v) - to defeat
[dóha] doyhah (n) - machine
[dova] dovah (n) - worldE
[eflin] ehflihn (n) - order
[eder] ehdehr (v) - to sleep
[erem] ehrehm (n) - skill
[erþ-] ehrth- (prefix) - a, an (sing. indef. article); some, a few (with plural)F
[f']/[fe-] f ' / feh- (prep) - on
[fa] fah (num/a) - 1, one; first; single
[fasí] fahsee (num) - 25, twentyfive
[filað] fihlahdh (n) - topG
[ga] gah - and
[galpo] gahlpo (n) - cave
[gan] gahn (n) - empire
[galon] gahlon (n) - ground
[garo] gahro (a) - great
[gaþ] gahth (adv) - still
[gestó] gehstoy (n) - art
[gid] gihd (v) - to excavate
[gilo] gihlo (n) - plant
[gica] gihtsah (a) - safe
[glas] glahs (v) - to drink
[glo] glo (v) - to begin
[gor] gor (n) - time
[gormot] gormot (adv) - thenH
[híbor] heebor (num) - 15
[hígabrí] heegahbree (num) - 17
[hígafa] heegahfah (num) - 16
[hígasen] heegahsehn (num) - 18
[hígator] heegahtor (num) - 19
[hík] heek (n) - Gehn's cane
[hern] hehrn (n) - room
[hev] hehv (n) - word
[hevo] hehvo (n) - swarm
[húr] hoor (v) - to findI
[iglarno] ihglahrno (a) - temporary
[idsé] ihdsay (n) - line
[irvæn] ihrvan (n) - mineral
[ilæis] ihlaihs (v) - to charge, to power upJ
[jeru] jehru (a) - possible
[jima] jimah (n) - prophecyK
[kag] kahg (a) - original
[kæligo] kalihgo (n) - Council
[kazí] kahzee (v) - to detour
[ken] kehn (v) - to be
[kera] kehra (a) - brave
[klé] klay (n) - example
[kro] kro (v) - to move
[kor] kor (n) - book
[korman] kormahn (n) - descriptive book
[korvax] korvahkh (n) - linking book
[koca] kotsah (n) - gateL
[lasa] lahsah (v) - to seal
[lena] lehnah (n) - journey
[lem] lehm (n) - ink
[le] lehsh (n) - rule
[lífo] leefo (n) - 1st month
[líbro] leebro (n) - 2nd month
[lísan] leesahn (n) - 3rd month
[lítar] leetar (n) - 4th month
[lívot] leevot (n) - 5th month
[lívofo] leevofo (n) - 6th month
[lívobro] leevobro (n) - 7th month
[lívosan] leevosahn (n) - 8th month
[lívotar] leevotar (n) - 9th month
[línovú] leenovoo (n) - 10th month
[lon] lon (v) - to discover
[lómat] loymaht - although
[lyima] lyimah (a) - invisible
[m']/[me-] m' / meh- (prep) - from
[marn] mahrn (v) - to create
[marent] mahrehnt (v) - to follow
[melin] mehlihn (a) - outer
[merk] mehrk (n) - poisoned water
[met] meht (a) - this, these
[meúr] mehoor - you're welcome
[mita] mihshtah (v) - to construct
[marg] mahrg (s) - layer
[mer] mehr (v) - to watch
[mes] mehs (v) - to require
[m'la] m'lah (n) - lizard
[mot] mot - that, which (relative pron.)N
[n'] n' (prep) - around
[na'grenis] na'grehnis (a) - brittle
[nava] nahvah (n) - master
[négabrí] naygahbree (num) - 12
[négafa] naygahfah (num) - 11
[négasen] naygahsehn (num) - 13
[négator] naygahtor (num) - 14
[névú] nayvoo (num) - 10
[nara] nara (n) - nara (a synthetic stone)
[nía] neeah (a) - new, fresh, blank
[noref] norehf (a) - finally
[nyalo] nyahlo (a) - sick (Terahnee)O
[oglan] oglahn (a) - ancient
[ox] okh - of (possession)
[-ot] -ot (suffix) - our
[-os] -os (suffix) - their
[-om] -om (suffix) - your
[-on] -on (suffix) - his/her/its
[oanin] oshahnin (a) - lostP
[para] pahrah (a) - large, great
[pac] pahts (n) - city
[pó] poy (n) - bulb
[præd] prad (n) - rock
[poant] poahnt (n) - saliva
[pod] pod (a) - each
[prin] prihn (a) - littleR
[ril] rihl - no; not
[rem] rehm (v) - to flow
[rís] rees (v) - to eat
[ríslo] reeslo (v) - to dissolve
[rigabrí] rihgahbree (num) - 22
[rigafa] rihgahfah (num) - 21
[rigasen] rihgahsehn (num) - 23
[rigator] rihgahtor (num) - 24
[ri] rihsh (num) - 20
[ro] ro (n) - people (Terahnee)
[rov] rov (n) - person
[rovtí] rovtee (n) - persons
[robot] robot (a) - actual
[rú] roo - that
[rúé] rooay (n) - route
[rúb] roob - but, however
[rún] roon (num) - 0S
[sé] say (v) - to design
[sex] sehkh (v) - to have
[sel] sehl (v) - to write
[sen] sehn - 3, three
[set] seht (n) - we
[sev] sehv (n) - age
[sifé] sihfay (a) - wired
[sógi] soygih (a) - stable
[em] shehm - you
[ento] shehnto (v) - to take
[ú] shoo (a) - dead
[utíjú] shuteejoo (n) - rocksalt
[ora] shorah (n) - peace; hello; goodbyeT
[t']/[te] t' / teh- (prep) - in, of, with
[tag] tahg (v) - to give
[tagam] tahgahm (a) - to know
[talío] tahleeo (n) - surface
[tam] tahm (n) - fire
[ter] tehr (n) - tree
[tégan] taygahn (v) - to love
[tíg] teeg (v) - to work
[tíma] teemah (a) - south
[tel] tehl (n) - guild
[tes] tehs (n) - group
[terelin] tehrehlihn (n) - contact
[ti'ana] ti'ana (n) - storyteller
[tiwa] tihwah (n) - shaft
[tokitu] tokihtu (v) - to determine
[toman] tomahn (n) - house
[túgo] toogo (n) - foot
[túl] tool (v) - to grow
[tor] tor (num) - 4, four
[torn] torn (v) - to spit
[tren] trehn (a) - a few
[trom] trom (n) - wingV
[vat] vaht (a) - 5, five
[vagabrí] vahgahbree (num) - 7, seven
[vagafa] vahgahfah (num) - 6, six
[vagasen] vahgahsehn (num) - 8, eight
[vagator] vahgahtor (num) - 9, nine
[vécú] vaytsoo (n) - presence
[válí] vilee (n) - month
[v'ja] v'ja (n) - ceremony
[vog] vog (n) - nature
[vúhí] voohee (v) - could
[vola] volah - yesY
[yar] yahr (n) - day
[yavo] Yahvo (n) - the Creator
[yertis] yehrtihs (n) - a little poisonous plant on RivenZ
[ziþ]zihth (a) - low
[zú] zoo - my
March 2000
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